Living is Easy

This piece was organically derived from the music with no preconceived intention. Form as a visual theme emerges through the juxtaposition of structural space and fluid movement.

The dancers embody a delicate paradox between the detached stillness of architectural objects and the vibrant musicality of life. The choreography explores a dynamic and empowering relationship between the dancers.

The cinematographer experimented with a custom rig to modify an anamorphic 75mm lens giving the piece an innovative edge and producing a cinematic visual aesthetic which distinguishes the project from a more classic approach on dance films.


Director & Choreographer - Aubyn Armstrong

DP & Colorist - Logan A Williams

Producer & Editor - Marlene Lacasse

Dancers -
Tara Durkin
Lilly Giroux

Song - And the Living is Easy by Guts


Lose Your Soul
